Take the ISA-SP100 wireless survey

By Plant Engineering Staff January 24, 2007

You are invited to contribute to the ISA-SP100 Standards Committee on Wireless Systems for Automation continuing efforts to gather use-case information.

Many of you may have participated in a similar ISA-SP100 survey last year. That input was gratefully received by the committee. This current survey, developed by the ISA-SP100 marketing work group, delves a bit deeper into the specification requirements for particular applications that you may have for wireless systems in your plant. Our hope is that by gathering a large sample of information, we will be able to help guide the creation of a wireless standard that meets needs in the most economic and timely fashion.

Please take a few minutes to complete the survey. It will be helpful when filling out the information if you think of a specific application of wireless that would be beneficial in your environment.

Thank you,

Paul Sereiko
Co-Chair, ISA-SP100 Marketing Work Group

Click here to take the ISA-SP100 Wireless Survey