Summit Schedule

By Plant Engineering Staff December 5, 2007


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    Sunday, March 29

    12 p.m. Golf event at Charleston area golf course
    1 p.m. Concurrent guided historical tour of Charleston
    6 p.m. Cocktail reception at Charleston Place

    Monday, March 30

    7:30 a.m. Breakfast and registration
    9 a.m. Manufacturing Summit opening and welcome
    9:30 a.m. SESSION: Plant-to-Enterprise Connectivity
    Driving plant-floor information throughout the enterprise has never been more important. Thanks to an array of new tools and strategies, it’s also never been easier. But how do you change not just your technology but also your culture to meet the challenges of collaborative manufacturing? Our experts will look at how to change the way your organization interacts, in person and online.
    Invited Speakers: Mary T. Bunzel, IBM
    10:30 a.m. Break
    11 a.m. SESSION: Energy and Sustainability
    There has been no more volatile issue for plant managers in the past two years than energy. The discussion continues to evolve past just energy usage into creating a sustainable manufacturing environment that utilizes all energy resources without creating waste. We’ll look at how such plants turn energy from a cost center into a profit center.
    Invited Speakers:
    Darrin Wikoff, Life Cycle Engineering
    Rod Ellsworth, Infor
    12 p.m. Lunch
    1:30 p.m. SESSION: Workforce Development and Future 30
    Plant Engineering readers have identified workforce development as the number one issue facing them – ahead of energy, taxes and foreign competition. The issue is getting more attention, but it’s also becoming more critical. The Plant Engineering Future 30 program recognizes young engineers age 40 and under to honor our future leaders, bringing together all the key stakeholders – manufacturers, educators and future leaders- to look at how this issue needs to be addressed.
    Invited Speakers:
    Bill Wilder, Life Cycle Engineering
    Elaine Seat, University of Tennessee
    Eric Luyer, IBM
    3:30 p.m. End of afternoon sessions
    2008 Product of the Year Awards Segment
    6 p.m. Cocktail Reception
    6:45 p.m. Dinner
    7:30 p.m. Keynote speech: Bobby Harrell, Speaker of the South Carolina House of Representatives
    8 p.m. Presentation of the 2008 Product of the Year awards

    Tuesday, March 31

    8 a.m. Breakfast
    9 a.m. Presentation of the 2008 Top Plant awards
    10 a.m. SESSION : Enterprise Asset Management
    It’s never been more important to keep your plant running efficiently and effectively, especially if capital improvement budgets are being cut. We’ll focus on the technology and strategy behind effective asset management, and how it can drive greater productivity and lower costs throughout your organization.

    Invited Speakers:

    Mike Poland, Life Cycle Engineering
    Mary T. Bunzel, IBM

    11:30 a.m. Box lunch and board bus to Alcoa Plant Tour
    Plant Tour: Alcoa’s Mt. Holly facility produces primary aluminum and ingot products. It’s one of the world leaders in efficiency and one of four facilities Alcoa has located in South Carolina. We’ll tour the facility to get an inside look at this fascinating process and study how Alcoa maintains its facility and its standing as a world leader in aluminum production.
    3:30 p.m. Return from plant tour (approximate time)