Suggestions & Solutions – 2001-11-01

By Staff November 1, 2001

Save a buck on pumping systems

Life Cycle Cost is a comprehensive and authoritative guide to analyzing pumping systems. It logically and clearly presents engineering, design, specification, and analytical methodologies for optimizing pump system designs and maximizing pumping system lifetime cost savings. The guide contains formulas and a step-by-step calculation chart, system designs for maximum ROI and minimum cost, and an extensive bibliography supplemented by case histories.

Hydraulic Institute

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Collect dust and oil mist

Free CD-ROM contains new product information, product drawings, and details of over 25 different products for dust and oil mist collection. There is information on Uni-Wash wet-type dust collectors, Polaris Intercept and Champion horizontal-cartridge dust collectors, and the complete line of MachineMaster oil and water mist collectors. Other products include: ShakeMaster shaker collectors including ShakeMaster Jr. and Sidekick portable cartridge dust collectors for flows from 500 to 12,500 cfm.

Industrial Ventilation Group


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The cost to store parts

Determine how an automated system can reduce the real costs of parts storage when compared to traditional systems by logging on to Program quickly calculates annual savings and payback potential when automated storage and retrieval systems are used to replace shelving, rack, and drawer storage units. The program accepts data such as floor space currently occupied, cost per square foot, number of employees, number of daily transactions, and other information.

MegaStar systems

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