Study: Energy management a key component for manufacturing success

Aberdeen research shows top companies already have a monitoring plan in place

By Bob Vavra October 9, 2009

A new study released by Aberdeen Research shows top manufacturers are measuring and monitoring energy usage in the same way they monitor safety in their plant. That is leading to significant savings potential at a time when energy costs are gathering the attention of manufacturers across the world.
"Establishing such a standardized process will ensure that employees have a clear understanding of the processes established and how those processes are connected to the success of corporate sustainability programs," the Aberdeen report stated.
Best-in-Class companies are also more likely than Laggards to standardize processes to monitor energy across the enterprise. This aligns very well to one of the top Best-in-Class strategies of enabling visibility into operations. The Best-in-Class are able to understand which energy data to collect, where to collect from, how frequently to collect that data and how to use that data to make effective decisions.
The Aberdeen Report: "Sustainable Production: Good for the Plant, Good for the Planet" is now available by going to .


Author Bio: Bob is the Content Manager for Plant Engineering.