How to Read a Psychrometric Chart and Make a Better Measurement of Humidity

The psychrometric chart is an excellent tool to help you understand humidity.

By CFE Media September 17, 2014

One may ask, why should we bother to learn how to read a psychrometric chart? After all, we have myriad online calculators, tables, iPhone apps, etc. Most of our instruments perform the conversions as a built in feature.

At Rotronic, we aim to help you make a better measurement. The first step in making a better measurement is to understand the parameter you wish to measure. What better way to begin to understand the various humidity parameters and their interrelations than to study the visual representation in a psychrometric chart.

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Author Bio: Since its founding in 2010, CFE Media and Technology has provided engineers in manufacturing, commercial and industrial buildings, and manufacturing control systems with the knowledge they need to improve their operational efficiency. CFE delivers the right information at the right time around the world through a variety of platforms.