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3 Safety Compliance Myths Killing Your Bottom Line

Lean/agile manufacturing training has helped many plants respond quickly and proactively to frequent and rapid changes.

By CFE Media May 21, 2014
Lean/agile manufacturing training has helped numerous plants respond quickly and proactively to frequent and rapid changes. Despite the top and bottom line benefits of lean/agile training, it’s surprising how many plants continue to operate as though it were still the 1980s and 90s when it comes to safety compliance for crossover stairs and platforms.

This paper discusses three commonly-held myths about industrial crossovers and crossover stairs that waste time, but also man-hours and financial resources.

Download white paper here

Author Bio: Since its founding in 2010, CFE Media and Technology has provided engineers in manufacturing, commercial and industrial buildings, and manufacturing control systems with the knowledge they need to improve their operational efficiency. CFE delivers the right information at the right time around the world through a variety of platforms.