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Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Opens Call for Presentations for Fall 2023 Technical Conferences

STLE invites industry professionals to present at 2023 co-branded events, the Tribology Frontiers Conference and Tribology & Lubrication for E-Mobility Conference

By Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) March 1, 2023
Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Opens Call for Presentations for Fall 2023 Technical Conferences

The Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) — the technical society for individuals in the field of tribology and lubrication engineering — has announced that presentations are now being accepted for its co-branded events, the 2023 Tribology Frontiers Conference (TFC) and Tribology & Lubrication for E-Mobility Conference Nov. 12-15, 2023, at the Cleveland Marriott Downtown at Key Tower in Cleveland, Ohio.

The co-branded events give tribology and lubrication professionals two opportunities to share and learn the latest science in the field — all in one location. STLE is currently seeking submissions on a variety of technical topics, including biotribology, fluid lubrication, tribochemistry, electrification, EV hardware, grease and thermal management, among others. Attendees will join researchers from around the globe at the 2023 STLE Tribology Frontiers Conference as they exchange the newest research in tribology and lubrication; STLE Tribology & Lubrication for E-Mobility Conference participants will explore the latest technical challenges and commercial opportunities impacting the future of electric vehicle technologies.

“We’re excited to announce the return of both fall conferences in 2023,” said Ed Salek, CAE, STLE’s executive director. “By combining these two popular events, we’re able to maximize networking opportunities for attendees while offering them an expanded content program, all under one roof.”

STLE Tribology Frontiers Conference

The 2023 STLE Tribology Frontiers Conference (TFC) will be held Nov. 12-14. The event will allow attendees to engage with world-renowned industry, academic and government researchers to learn more about the technical, environmental and social issues impacting tribology research in the 21st century. The deadline for TFC abstract submissions is April 15, 2023, but the website will remain open after this date for wait-listed submissions and posters. For a complete list of abstract categories, click here.

Highlights include:

  • Daily keynote presentations

  • 20-minute technical sessions from leading tribology researchers

  • Invited “Spotlight” talks by noted Principal Investigators

  • AI and Machine Learning in Tribology Session

  • Graduate, Undergraduate and Early Career Researcher Poster Competition

  • “Beyond the Cutting Edge” Special Symposium (organized by the editors of Tribology Letters).

STLE Tribology & Lubrication for E-Mobility Conference

The 2023 STLE Tribology & Lubrication for E-Mobility Conference will be held with the TFC from Nov. 14-15. The event will feature educational sessions and networking discussions with leading industry experts covering technical content, analysis and best practices for addressing the challenges and opportunities associated with electric vehicle technologies and how they will impact the tribology and lubrication field. The deadline for e-mobility conference abstract submissions is June 15, 2023.

Highlights include:

  • Expert-led presentations from leading companies and organizations with an interest in e-mobility

  • Panel discussions on state-of-the-art developments in electric vehicle technology and lubrication

  • Networking opportunities

To submit an abstract for either or both events, click here. To learn more about STLE, visit

About the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE)

The Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) is the premier technical society serving the needs of over 13,000 individuals and 250 companies and organizations that comprise the tribology and lubrication engineering business sector. STLE members are employed by the world’s leading corporations, academic institutions and governmental agencies dealing with science and technology. STLE supports these distinguished technical experts with various professional education and certification programs. STLE is a professional technical society providing robust resources in technical research, education, and professional development delivered through programming, courses, events and periodicals on topics most important to you: safety, energy usage, maintenance, natural resources, wear and productivity.

Membership is available to those interested in staying current with the latest technologies, advancing their careers and making new professional connections worldwide. STLE membership is a low-cost investment with high professional rewards. To listen to STLE’s podcast series, visit and follow “Perfecting Motion: Tribology and the Quest for Sustainability” on SpotifyApple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts and other podcast services. For more information or to join, download the STLE Member Benefits Guide and visit

STLE is a CFE Media and Technology content partner.