Shipments kick into high gear

Shipments in the overall manufacturing sector increased by 1.2% from January to February to $337.5 million. Cumulative gains during the past year have been strong; shipments for February 1998 are 4.5 % higher than a year earlier.

By Staff May 1, 1998

Shipments in the overall manufacturing sector increased by 1.2% from January to February to $337.5 million. Cumulative gains during the past year have been strong; shipments for February 1998 are 4.5 % higher than a year earlier. Shipments of durable goods have seen steady growth since March 1992, and are still going strong. Industrial machinery and equipment shipments also are up nearly 12%. INDUSTRIAL SHIPMENTS

Actual value, million $

(seasonally adjusted) Annual change,%

Feb. 1998 1996 1997

Total mfg shipments 337.5 4.1 5.7

Mfg shipments, nondurable 149.8 3.7 3.4

Mfg shipments, durable 187.7 4.4 7.7

Industrial and equipment 36 7.6 7.4

Instruments & related products 13.5 3.8 7.9