Plant Engineering Software – 2001-07-01
CD-ROM simplifies motor selection RPM AC Motor Wizard is a software program for selecting inverter-duty motors from three to 1,000 hp. This program upgrade, now in CD-ROM format as version 2.1, contains enhancements designed to help users with little understanding of ac induction motor theory select motors that meet their application requirements.
CD-ROM simplifies motor selection
RPM AC Motor Wizard is a software program for selecting inverter-duty motors from three to 1,000 hp. This program upgrade, now in CD-ROM format as version 2.1, contains enhancements designed to help users with little understanding of ac induction motor theory select motors that meet their application requirements. The software provides motor frame size, amp rating, and inverter KVA required. Typical performance data and motor dimensions are displayed and can be printed immediately. Data are available on both NEMA and IEC types.
Rockwell Automation/ Reliance Electric
Circle 213
Program answers welding questions
Filler2 version 7.0 is welding software for metal fabrication and education. It provides information about which filler metal to use, what filler diameter is best, metals identification, welding processes, whether to preheat, the amount of current and voltage, types of shielding gas, and joint design. It also helps users determine weld size, bevel angle, number of weld passes, job completion time, and job cost. The program includes 4,000 metals and more than 100,000 combinations for filler metal selection.
Davignon Industries
Circle 214
Software simulates harmonic distortion
Wavemaker harmonic distortion simulation software creates graphs and charts that simulate the effects of harmonic distortion caused by nonlinear loads. Set at predefined levels of harmonics intended to demonstrate the effects of switch-mode power supplies, adjustable speed drives, and other common nonlinear loads, the program graphically illustrates the effects of these loads on the input current waveform. It also allows the user to experiment with varying levels of harmonic content to instantly see the effects on the current waveform. The software is a teaching tool that engineers can use to expand their understanding of the effects of nonlinear loads on electrical distribution systems.
Reliable Power Meters
Circle 216
Analysis tool figures fluid flow
PIPE-FLO Professional v.7 software enables engineers to design, analyze, and troubleshoot fluid piping systems. This version, v.7, offers a faster calculation engine, streamlined design specification windows, fluid data properties, and better graphics. The software simplifies pump and valve design and selection using design point calculations. Users can calculate fluid properties using the DIPPR, polynomial, or yaws formulas.
Engineered Software
Circle 217
Updated software sends alarms
MeterM@il and Webmeter for 8400 ION and 8500 ION power and energy meters have been upgraded. MeterM@il can now automatically send high-priority alarm notifications or scheduled system status updates as email messages to anyone anywhere within the facility or around the world. Messages can be received like any email message over a workstation, cell phone, pager, or PDA. The WebMeter feature adds and onboard web server to the meter. The Modbus Master communications capability extends the meter’s reach throughout the facility by enabling the device to import and export data from, or send control commands to a network of low-cost slave devices.
Power Measurement
Circle 215
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