Optimizing shutdowns, turnarounds, outages and improving the bottom line
In an upcoming May 14 webcast, learn how optimizing shutdowns, turnarounds and outages (STO) provides many benefits for companies.
Every organization follows a process for managing and executing shutdowns, turnarounds and outages (STOs). While there’s comfort in familiarity, many companies acknowledge there is room for improvement. However, initiating change can be daunting when there isn’t always a clear starting point. Organizations that follow through and optimize their STO process improve their competitive advantages and positively impact their bottom line.
On May 14, Juan Lopez, functional consultant leader for Prometheus Group, will explain how to do this in the webcast “How Optimizing Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages Improves the Bottom Line.”
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Lopez will explain what defines an STO event and some common pain points manufacturers face. He’ll also explain the six key aspects of an STO event, which include scope management, material management and material execution.
He’ll also go into detail about poorly-managed STO events and how they remain a challenge for manufacturers due to issues such as maintaining consistency and the lack of institutional knowledge.
Lopez also will explain how to include developing a budget and some of the challenges with STO cost estimation and how developing a good process as well as the importance of connected processes and data integrity. He’ll also provide additional best practices to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.
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