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Off-the-path, but not off-the-wall, websites

What's going on in the world of developing manufacturing technology, management programs, and just plain innovation? There are a lot of sites out there that can help inform you and interact with you to ensure your company is the best it can be.

By Staff January 1, 1998

What’s going on in the world of developing manufacturing technology, management programs, and just plain innovation? There are a lot of sites out there that can help inform you and interact with you to ensure your company is the best it can be. Here are a few industry leaders on the Web.

Stanford Integrated Manufacturing Association


“SIMA is a cooperative venture between Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business, School of Engineering, and member industrial firms. Its purpose is to develop world class research and education for manufacturers,” according to the school. “The mission of SIMA is to discover, develop, and reduce to practice the capabilities necessary to achieve global excellence in manufacturing and to disseminate this knowledge to industry and academia.”

There is a wealth of information here. If you’re interested in pursuing training for manufacturing systems engineering, product development, or management, there are programs available. There is information on industries working with SIMA, getting grant money from SIMA, finding out about research at the university, and more.

Manufacturing Engineering Center(

This site out of the California State University in Los Angeles also features information on the school’s manufacturing engineering program, facilities, projects, and industry links. There is even a section to visit that details an automated manufacturing laboratory. The laboratory has several key programs, such as robotics and computer-aided manufacturing, that help students learn more about the latest manufacturing technology.

Center for Technology Transfer(

The center’s mission is “to be the leader in the design and delivery of technology transfer and commercialization services for the precision manufacturing industries.” Its website comprises mostly links to other resources, but for large and small manufacturers, it could be invaluable. Based in Maine, the CTT offers resources primarily from and to Maine, but it does have links to resources from other areas. Of particular interest to the small manufacturer may be the publication, A Small Manufacturer’s Educational Guide to Selecting Microcomputer-Based Decision Support Systems, for which there is more information on the site.

Delaware Manufacturing Alliance(

This regional website is dedicated to “improving the quality, productivity, and profitability of Delaware manufacturers, and to serve as a prime service resource for the state’s new and existing manufacturers.” The site’s informative “Manufacturing Matters” newsletter alone makes it worth checking out this site. Technology tidbits and updates in the “Technology Stuff” section are interesting and informative. There is also information on commerce, trade, environment, quality, and “Hot Stuff.”