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North American leading LNG liquefaction capacity

North America is expected to lead the global liquefied natural gas (LNG) liquefaction capacity for the next several years, far outpacing Asia.

By GlobalData June 23, 2021

North America is expected to lead the global liquefied natural gas (LNG) liquefaction capacity additions by 2025, contributing around 63%, says GlobalData, a leading data, and analytics company. The Former Soviet Union (FSU) region is a distant second place, with 18%, followed by the Middle East at 10%.

GlobalData’s latest report, ‘Global Capacity and Capital Expenditure Outlook for LNG Liquefaction Terminals, 2021–2025’, reveals that North America’s new-build and expansion projects will see additions of 206 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) between 2021 and 2025.

Bhargavi Gandham, oil and gas analyst at GlobalData, said: “In North America, the US primarily drives liquefaction capacity additions by 2025 and beyond. Though COVID-19 triggered project delays and postponement of a few projects in the US, it is on track to become the global leader banking on vast shale gas deposits, surpassing the traditional leaders – Australia and Qatar. Canada is also relying on its abundant natural gas resources to add liquefaction capacity for exports.”

Among the countries, the US is expected to account for 46% of global LNG liquefaction capacity additions. It will be the highest contributing country in North America, an expected LNG liquefaction capacity of 126 mtpa. The FSU’s highest contributor will be Russia with 37.6 mtpa of additions, and Qatar will be the star for the Middle East at 32 mtpa.

The largest projects in each region include Plaquemines in the U.S., with a capacity of 20 mtpa by 2025; Arctic-2 Floating in Russia, with 19.8 mtpa by 2025; and Ras Laffan North Field Expansion in Qatar, with 32 mtpa by 2025.

Original content can be found at Oil and Gas Engineering.