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National Guard job bank draws support from NTMA, PMA

Associations and organizations hope to close the gap between the more than 60,000 unemployed guardsmen and the shortage of skilled workers.

March 29, 2012

The National Guard, Center for America (CFA), Corporate America Supports You (CASY), and Military Spouse Corporate Career Network (MSCCN) have launched a new national campaign to encourage companies to post open skilled jobs on the National Guard national job bank for its more than 60,000 currently unemployed members.

The campaign objective is to enroll smaller and mid-size companies to post skilled job openings at no charge so trained and skilled National Guard members, veterans and spouses can apply. According to recent studies, there are more than 600,000 open skilled jobs in the U.S., most of which are at smaller and mid-size companies that are limited with resources to hunt for qualified applicants. As tens of thousands of National Guard members and military veterans are returning from deployment in 2012, the need is real and growing.

Companies wanting to post open jobs can do so here:

“This campaign is reaching out to mid-size companies to let them know they can easily connect with unemployed National Guard Members, veterans and spouses by posting jobs on the National Guard job portal operated for the Guard by MSCCN and CASY”, said Steve Nowlan, president, CFA. “There is no cost and MSCCN and CASY staff will actively match job postings with qualified candidates to help company recruiters fill jobs.”

A wide range of business and trade associations have endorsed the campaign. Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder joined in endorsing the military jobs program early on: “The interesting part about this program, which is critically important, is the title says it all – American Jobs for America’s Heroes,” said Gov. Snyder. “We know what to do…we just need to do it.”

A short video of Gov. Snyder’s endorsement is on

“Our members are enthusiastic about this campaign because it augments NTMA’s ongoing workplace training programs,” said Dave Tilstone, president of the National Tooling and Machining Assoc. “Placing unemployed National Guard members into good jobs helps our companies deal with the growing skills shortage and brings trained and responsible National Guard members into our companies for good jobs and careers.”

“Job seekers with military training, experience and skills can be a tremendous resource for our industry,” said Bill Gaskin, president of the Precision Metalforming Association. “Employers in our industry can and should step forward to take advantage of this system and connect with this valued workforce. For PMA, the opportunity to work with MSCCN and CASY helps expand the reach of our ongoing recruitment and training programs.”

Bob Powers, Chief Operating Officer of American Electric Power, one of America’s top five utilities, said, “This is a no-brainer from a business standpoint. It just makes great business sense because members of the National Guard and other military veterans have the technical skills, character and leadership skills that we greatly value.”

A short video of Bob Powers’ endorsement is on