Leverless limit switches for extreme operating environments

HSI Sensing's Spot On series of leverless limit switches use reed switch technology, have no moving parts, and are designed for extreme operating environments, such as fluid processing and oil and gas applications.

By HSI Sensing June 29, 2015

HSI Sensing’s Spot On series of leverless limit switches are designed for extreme operating environments such as fluid processing and oil and gas applications. It has a stainless steel housing built for chemical resistance and has English and metric threads. The line uses reed switch technology and has no moving parts. Spot On switches can be activated by any ferrous metal and do not need a magnet for operation. Features include heavy-duty tungsten contacts engineered for high and low loads as well as AC and DC applications. It is not gravity sensitive and consumers no power for switching or sensing and has no signal loss. All switches have 4-pin connectors as well as custom wire colors, jacketed cables, and wire lengths. The Spot On switches are UL and CSA certified.

HSI Sensing 


– Edited by CFE Media. See more Control Engineering energy and power products.

Original content can be found at Oil and Gas Engineering.