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Integrator group provides support, complimentary memberships to Ukrainian members

The Control System Integrators Association (CSIA) Board of Directors awarded complimentary memberships for the years 2022 and 2023 to members of the Association of Industrial Automation of Ukraine.

By Control System Integrators Association (CSIA) April 28, 2022
CSIA is encouraging its members to provide humanitarian support to Ukraine through the One Hour for Ukraine (1H4U) program, which was piloted by Autoware, a CSIA-certified SI based in Italy. Courtesy: CSIA

In solidarity with Ukrainian industrial automation peers, the Control System Integrators Association (CSIA) Board of Directors unanimously voted to award complimentary memberships for the years 2022 and 2023 to members of the Association of Industrial Automation of Ukraine.

“Our goal is to provide the space for Ukrainian members to network with other CSIA members and explore possible outsourcing opportunities,” said CSIA CEO Jose Rivera in a press release. “The war in Ukraine has disrupted regular local peacetime work opportunities. This contrasts with the explosive business growth benefiting SIs of many other geographies currently. Outsourcing can also help other SIs alleviate the serious talent shortages they are experiencing,”

Rebuilding manufacturing industries

Beside outsourcing, CSIA and its members hope that new relationships support Ukrainian SIs in their efforts to contribute to the rebuild of their manufacturing industries.

“It is worth mentioning that several Ukrainian SIs and engineering companies have experience working with Western companies and delivering projects beyond their borders,” Rivera said. “A few of them have offices in Germany, the United States and United Arab Emirates. Language does not create a barrier.”

Alexandre Yurchak, CEO of the Association of Industrial Automation of Ukraine, has been leading the collaboration from the Ukrainian side as part of his efforts to help his members during a wartime economy.

“It is a big honor and a great opportunity for our community to have such a relationship with CSIA,” Yurchak said. “Our best engineering companies and system integrators are ready to work with their counterparts around the world. And we really need this work as never before. What we appreciate even more, is the friendly and fast response of CSIA to our situation. It shows a new kind professional solidarity that drives our community to be together and to hold the line on the economic front.”

One hour for Ukraine

CSIA is also encouraging its members to provide humanitarian support to Ukraine. One Hour for Ukraine (1H4U) is an original approach piloted by Autoware, a CSIA-certified SI based in Italy.

Autoware encourages its employees to engage by donating work hours. Their contribution gets matched (2x) by Autoware and, on a periodic basis, the company donates to the bank account of the Association of Industrial Automation of Ukraine.

The intention is for other companies to replicate this model with the Ukrainian cause of its choice.

“All of us were touched by what happened in Ukraine,” said Luigi De Bernardini, CEO of Autoware and past chair of the CSIA Board of Directors. “We Europeans probably were more sensitive, since it happened so close to us, and we were powerless. Everyone has their own reasons for actions in support of Ukrainian people. Where I believe we have a lot of room to improve is in leveraging the power of our professional associations and acting as professionals supporting colleagues.

“This is why we decided to donate time and effort and not just money,” he concludes. “If our colleagues in any part of the world are in trouble, we can help as professionals. This is something that I don’t see happening many times, and I thought this was a good opportunity to start. If we put our efforts together, we can do a lot. From professionals to professionals!”

– Edited from a CSIA press release by CFE Media and Technology. CSIA is a CFE Media and Technology content partner.

Original content can be found at Control Engineering.