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Information exchange: Honeywell user group forum serves as venue for controls, instrumentation advances

By Mark T. Hoske, editor in chief, Control Engineering June 19, 2008

Phoenix, AZ — As ideas and insight are exchanged this week among end users, system integrators, and technology developers at the Honeywell Users Group Americas Symposium (HUG), Honeywell announced technology advances in multiple areas. The June 16 and 17 announcements include an operator training system for refining processes; microwave radar level sensors, wireless networks, and safety products; as well as pharmaceutical MES, data analysis, and process automation software introductions.
The annual HUG conference , June 15-20,
Concurrent Honeywell Process Solutions announcements included the following:

Honeywell says its updated wireless products will upgrade to the promised standard with an over-the-air software update. Shown are the Honeywell XYR 6000 wireless transmitters and OneWireless multinode.

Wireless is ready to comply with ISA100 standard: Updated Honeywell OneWireless industrial wireless network equipment ( see photo ) is designed to be compatible with the end user-driven ISA100.11a industrial wireless communication standard. The latest OneWireless release is the process industries’ first mesh network with ISA100-ready hardware, the company says. The network can be upgraded to the ISA100.11a standard, when it is completed, via an over-the-air software update, the company says.
Experion Process Knowledge System enhancements: Honeywell Experion Process Knowledge System (PKS) now allows plant operators to carefully coordinate process control, safety shutdown, and fire and gas mitigation steps. In addition to the safety instrumented system (SIS) integration, Honeywell says Experion improves plant operations through embedded simulation capabilities used for comprehensive operator training and control, display, and procedure validation. Other new features include integrated batch functionality said to significantly increase production and reliability for chemical and life sciences companies.
Microwave radar level instruments: Honeywell introduced its new family of microwave radar level instruments for use in plant storage tanks. The VersaLevel line enhances the company’s expanding field-device portfolio and provides customers with highly accurate and easy-to-install devices for tank-level monitoring, the company says. Germany-based Krohne will manufacture the level transmitters to Honeywell’s standards and specifications for quality, performance, and reliability.
Pharmaceutical MES : Two additions to the Honeywell POMSnet Web-based manufacturing execution system (MES) for the pharmaceutical industry include a platform upgrade of POMSnet and POMStrace, a new tracking technology said to reduce patient risk by improving communication and response time during clinical trials.
Safety manager update balances process, safety system integration: An updated version of Honeywell Safety Manager, the company’s safety instrumented system (SIS) platform, balances the integration of process controls with critical safety systems. The latest version of Safety Manager, integrated with Honeywell’s Experion Process Knowledge System (PKS), allows safety and process controllers to communicate with each other without requiring intermediate interfaces, such as PCs, and without compromising operations security or data integrity, the company says.
Simulation software to trains refinery operators: Honeywell Process Solutions business and UOP LLC (a Honeywell company) will provide simulation software that trains refinery operators how to best run UOP (Universal Oil Products) processes used in the production of fuels and petrochemicals.
Uniformance Process Studio for plant data analysis: Honeywell Uniformance Process Studio is a new desktop software package that allows plant engineers to more easily analyze process performance. A user-friendly interface includes workflow management applications that enable engineers to build trend graphs and graphics with minimal training or manual configuration, the company says.