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HMI/SCADA software

The OEM Solutions Pack for Proficy iFIX 5.0 is a compilation of pre-configured out-of-the-box graphic objects and screens specifically tailored to machine level HMI/SCADA applications. The components, along with an integrated workspace toolbar and screen templates, accelerate iFIX application development and make it easy to duplicate across many devices and/or machines for ease of integration, ...

By Staff September 1, 2009

The OEM Solutions Pack for Proficy iFIX 5.0 is a compilation of pre-configured out-of-the-box graphic objects and screens specifically tailored to machine level HMI/SCADA applications. The components, along with an integrated workspace toolbar and screen templates, accelerate iFIX application development and make it easy to duplicate across many devices and/or machines for ease of integration, consistency of operation, and implementation of data standards, like OMAC.

GE Fanuc