EtherNet/IP controller

Through its embedded Ethernet port, the P3-550 CPU can support EtherNet/IP configurable as a Scanner or Adapter.

August 19, 2014

The controller now supports the ODVA’s EtherNet/IP as a standard protocol. Through its embedded Ethernet port, the P3-550 CPU can support EtherNet/IP configurable as a Scanner or Adapter. The P3-550 CPU can communicate to devices using either Explicit messaging or Implicit "I/O" messaging methods. These two common implementations offer access to the majority of the EtherNet/IP devices available in the industry, including third-party controllers, drives and other I/O hardware. In Scanner mode, the P3-550 CPU supports up to 128 total connections with a maximum of 32 devices. Enabling the CPU to support and exchange EtherNet/IP messages simply requires completing fill-in-the-blank style configuration and Message instruction windows in the programming software. 
