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Enhanced variable frequency drive

The MOVITRAC LTE B frequency inverter is designed to simplify control of asynchronous motors. The drive features dynamic braking, better low-speed motor control and embedded communications. Its power range has been extended to 15 hp for NEMA 1 units, and 10 hp for NEMA 12. Control algorithms improve low-speed motor control.

By Plant Engineering Staff November 1, 2008

The MOVITRAC LTE B frequency inverter is designed to simplify control of asynchronous motors. The drive features dynamic braking, better low-speed motor control and embedded communications. Its power range has been extended to 15 hp for NEMA 1 units, and 10 hp for NEMA 12. Control algorithms improve low-speed motor control. A remote keypad allows users to remotely control operation and diagnostics, while a copy stick makes it easy to copy parameters from one drive into another. The drive is compatible with most communications protocols.

SEW Eurodrive