Engineering Awards in Manufacturing agenda
Engineering Awards in Manufacturing Agenda, Monday, March 26, 2012:
1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. CT: How to Run a Successful Integrated Marketing Program Presentation and Roundtable
Michael J. Uttech, PMP at Patrick Engineering
Lawrence Wegner, Director of Global Marketing Communications at Molex
Christa Carroll, SVP at Outlook Marketing Services
Brian Davies, Managing Partner at Movéo Integrated Branding
- Running a successful dynamic integrated program
- How do you choose the right media channels to get the best ROI?
- Best practices in campaign strategy, implementation and measurement
3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.: Social Media in the B-to-B World
Jim Cahill, Head of Social Media for Emerson Process Management
Steve Krull, Founder of Be Found Online
- Why social media for automation suppliers?
- Understanding the correct approach to social media marketing with your engineering audience
- How we connect with manufacturers through social media to grow business opportunities
4:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.: How are Engineers Effectively using Mobile Apps and Social Media? A CFE Media Perspective
Steve Rourke, CEO/COO/Co-Founder at CFE Media
- Mobile Applications in Manufacturing: What are the trends and where are the opportunities?
- Social Media Usage and Insights: A Case Study of the Automation and Control Engineering LinkedIN group of 23,000 members
- How can marketers leverage of LinkedIN groups, Google+, Facebook and Twitter?
5:00 p.m.:
Cocktail Reception hosted by Be Found Online
6:30 p.m.:
Top Plant, Engineers’ Choice, and Product of the Year Awards Dinner
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