Electric KWH/KW submeter

Green Class E-Mon D-Mon electric submeters offer utility-grade metering accuracy. The submeters comply with several guidelines of the Energy Policy Act of 2005. The submeter features a scrolling display of kW usage and an eight-digit LCD. It displays kWh in dollars, current demand load and cost per hour based on current load, estimated CO2 emissions in pounds, estimated hourly CO2 emissions bas...

By Plant Engineering Staff November 15, 2007

Green Class E-Mon D-Mon electric submeters offer utility-grade metering accuracy. The submeters comply with several guidelines of the Energy Policy Act of 2005. The submeter features a scrolling display of kW usage and an eight-digit LCD. It displays kWh in dollars, current demand load and cost per hour based on current load, estimated CO2 emissions in pounds, estimated hourly CO2 emissions based on current load, optional net metering and power and net usage. The unit is certified to ANSI C12.1 & C12.16.

E-Mon LLC : www.emon.com