Editorial Quality Audit / Participation form
Please print out this form, complete it, and FAX it to 847-390-2656.
Yes, I would like to help evaluate the articles in PLANT ENGINEERING magazine by participating in the Editorial Quality Audit on a regular basis.
Name: __________________________________________________
Job Title: ________________________________________________
Company: _______________________________________________
Division: _________________________________________________
Mail address: _____________________________________________
City: ___________________________________________
State: _________ Zip: _____________
Phone: _________________________________________
Fax: ___________________________
If you would like EQA materials mailed to your home, please provide the following:
Home street address: _______________________________________
City: ___________________________________________
State: _________ Zip: _____________
** Subscriber # or issue label (required): _____________________
Background Information
Type of business (check only one):
( ) Food & kindred products
( ) Leather, leather products
( ) Tobacco
( ) Stone, clay, glass products
( ) Textile mill products
( ) Primary metals
( ) Apparel, other textile products
( ) Fabricated metal products
( ) Lumber & wood products
( ) Machinery, except electrical
( ) Furniture & fixtures
( ) Electric & electronic equipment
( ) Paper & allied products
( ) Transportation equipment
( ) Printing & publishing
( ) Instruments & related products
( ) Chemicals & allied products
( ) Miscellaneous manufacturing
( ) Petroleum & coal products
( ) Nonmanufacturing
( ) Rubber, plastic products
Primary job responsibility (check only one):
( ) Manage all plant engineering and maintenance
( ) Manage plant engineering only (excluding maintenance)
( ) Manage maintenance only
( ) Supervise group within plant engineering and/or maintenance
Please define:_________________________________________________
( ) Provide staff services for plant engineering and/or maintenance
( ) Provide consulting services to plant engineering and/or maintenance
( ) Provide other services in addition to plant engineering and/or maintenance
( ) Other job function:
Please define:
Approximate number of employees at this plant (check one):
( ) 1-19
( ) 50-99
( ) 250-499
( ) 1000 or more
( ) 20-49
( ) 100-249
( ) 500-999
Number of full-time employees in plant engineering and maintenace at this
plant (circle one):
( ) 1-9
( ) 25-49
( ) 100-199
( ) 10-24
( ) 50-99
( ) 200 or more
Participation Agreement
As a participant in the PLANT ENGINEERING Editorial Quality Audit, I understand that my opinions are important to the editors of PLANT ENGINEERING magazine. I will therefore make a concerted effort to evaluate articles as requested in a timely manner.
Please print out this form, complete it, and FAX it to 630-320-7145.
Do you have experience and expertise with the topics mentioned in this content? You should consider contributing to our WTWH Media editorial team and getting the recognition you and your company deserve. Click here to start this process.