Dr. Ed Yardeni’s online charts

For the business minded, this is a website (www.webcom.com/yardeni/indrvw.html) devoted to "charts on economic performance in manufacturing industries, including defense, electronics, and textiles.

By Staff March 1, 1998

For the business minded, this is a website (www.webcom.com/yardeni/indrvw.html) devoted to “charts on economic performance in manufacturing industries, including defense, electronics, and textiles.” You need Adobe Acrobat to read or view the charts, but the subjects covered include low-tech capital equipment (civilian aircraft, construction & mining equipment, defense, and metalworking machinery), high-tech capital equipment (communications equipment, electronic components, and office & computing equipment), basic industries (industrial chemicals; metals, fabricated; and metals, primary; and paper), and consumer and nonconsumer durables.