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Distance learning key to advancing technology, business: ASME president

In an address to attendees of World Engineers Conference 2008 last week in Brasilia, Brazil, ASME president Thomas Barlow discussed how the use of distance learning techniques – online-based training – can help manufacturers with the continually pressing issue of maintaining and training their workforces.

By Plant Engineering Staff December 12, 2008

Workforce development continues to be a major concern throughout the industry, as it was once again addressed during proceedings of World Engineers’ Convention 2008 , held Dec. 2-6 in Brasilia, Brazil.
Before the international gathering of engineers, professional associations and members of academia, ASME president Thomas M. Barlow said that training and human development are changing engineering education and are critical to expanding the engineering profession’s opportunities to collaborate globally.
“Distance learning — online courses, webinars, and similar opportunities — is not new in itself, but it can provide a significant new capacity in workforce development, one that opens the door to individual endeavor and accomplishment,” Barlow said in his presentation, “Global Imperatives for Local Solutions — Access through Distance Learning.” He emphasized that a strong technical knowledge base must have a greater outreach in areas of creativity, problem-solving and a multidisciplinary, systems-level understanding of problems.
Click here to read more about Barlow’s presentation.