Digital camera

The recently adopted AIA Camera Link "Mini-CL connector" is being used in a 29mm cube miniature camera. This digital camera features high-speed output and can be used to upgrade analog cameras in machine vision applications. The digital output option can improve the speed 4-6 X that of an analog camera.

By Staff January 1, 2006

The recently adopted AIA Camera Link “Mini-CL connector” is being used in a 29mm cube miniature camera. This digital camera features high-speed output and can be used to upgrade analog cameras in machine vision applications. The digital output option can improve the speed 4-6 X that of an analog camera. Both black-and-white and color versions are available in formats of VGA, XGA, SXGA, and UXGA. A “Power-over-Camera Link” version, meeting the newly proposed specification, will be available for the OEM in the same small package with an optional right-angle connection.

CIS Corp.

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