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Cordsets for Foundation fieldbus

These Type A cordsets are the first of their kind to meet Fieldbus Foundation specifications.

By Plant Engineering Staff November 25, 2008

MINI SAC7/8-inch cordsets are the first cables with attached connectors to receive official compliance registration in accordance with the Fieldbus Foundation’s FF-844 requirements for H1 Type A cable. The H1 Cable Test Specification (Document FF-844) is designed for manufacturers developing cables for FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1 (31.25 kbit/s) installations. The specification test cases, based upon the IEC 61158-2:2003 standard, include (but are not limited to) impedance, capacitive unbalance, connector pin-outs and attenuation.

The Type A overmolded cordset for H1 physical media is constructed of instrumentation tray cable (ITC)/power-limited tray cable (PLTC-ER). Under the National Electric Code (NEC), this cable can be used as open wiring without a metallic sheath or armor between the cable tray and equipment for up to 15 meters. Because it is not necessary to install conduit to every individual device, ITC reduces the installation time and cost.

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