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Company hosts STEM event at experience center

Eaton's Experience Center in Houston hosted more than 120 Project GRAD high school students for an interactive educational seminar focused on technology used in the energy utility, oil and gas, and petrochemical industries.

By Eaton Corporation August 5, 2016

Eaton’s Experience Center in Houston hosted more than 120 Project Graduation Really Achieves Dreams (GRAD) high school students for an interactive educational seminar focused on power technologies commonly used in the energy utility, oil and gas, and petrochemical industries. The program, a partnership between Lone Star College, and the JPMorgan Chase College and Career Institutes and led by Project GRAD, is designed to provide high school students with industry-oriented educational experiences to encourage students to attend college and pursue high demand careers in the Houston area.

"The young people in high school today—who will be making choices about their education following high school graduation—are simply unaware of the availability of positions in Houston’s main sectors and the academic pathways to access these careers," said Ann B. Stiles, Ed.D., president and chief executive officer, Project GRAD.

Project GRAD’s college institutes are designed to provide transformational experiences for high school students that have a profound effect on the likelihood of a student’s successful enrollment in college. The collaboration further supports the collective goal to connect young people to credentials and opportunities available in the current economic landscape.

The educational seminar provided students with an overview of the Experience Center and featured a light-emitting diode (LED) technology demonstration, petrochemical fundamentals, and a walkthrough of Eaton’s simulated petrochemical refinery.

"The most enjoyable part of my visit to the Experience Center was the oil rig mock up, I loved getting to see the mechanical aspects of the rig," said Dev Tavares, participant, Project GRAD. "The more I talk to professionals who have gone to college, the more I want to work harder toward my own college admission." 

Eaton Corporation 

– Edited from an Eaton press release by CFE Media. See more Control Engineering STEM stories.

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Learn more about Project GRAD here.

Original content can be found at Oil and Gas Engineering.