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CNN Money report: Worker shortage is slowing manufacturing growth

Article talks to machine shop owners: "I can't find the skill set I need. I would hire tomorrow if I could."

February 16, 2012

CNN Money reported Thursday on an issue Plant Engineering readers are all too familiar with: the continuing gap between unemployed workers and the skilled manufacturing jobs that are looking for workers.

The article cited several examples of machine tool shops and manufacturers unable to fill the skilled manufacturing jobs available due to a lack of an available skilled workforce. The article quoted Dennis Winslow, owner of Win-Tech, a Kennesaw, Ga., manufacturer in the defense and aerospace industries.

"I’m facing a real conundrum," Winslow told CNN Money. "There are so many unemployed people in the country. But I can’t find the skill sets that I need. I would hire tomorrow if I could."

The full article can be found here.