Clean parts service provides equipment and disposal

TLW-2 top-loading washer handles parts up to 29-in. long. The cabinet is 12-ga steel coated with polyurethane epoxy paint. AquaWorks parts cleaning solution is nontoxic, nonflammable, nonhazardous, noncaustic, nonirritating, and water based.

By Staff March 1, 1998

TLW-2 top-loading washer handles parts up to 29-in. long. The cabinet is 12-ga steel coated with polyurethane epoxy paint. AquaWorks parts cleaning solution is nontoxic, nonflammable, nonhazardous, noncaustic, nonirritating, and water based. Spent solu- tion is collected and active ingredients recovered in accordance with all government regulations.

Safety-Kleen Corp.