Electrical safety standards and hazard recognition
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Top 5 Plant Engineering articles May 25-31, 2021
Articles about augmented reality transforming manual labor, how to test for absence of voltage, how to engage employees through plant optimization and more were Plant Engineering’s five most clicked articles from May 25-31, 2021. Miss something? You can catch up here.
Fire safety best practices for manufacturing facilities
Are lights, alarms, extinguishers and sprinklers inspected every year?
Early fire detection saves cost
Effective improvement of preventive fire protection.
NFPA 652 compliance starts with a dust hazard analysis
Combustible dust safety standard requires understanding the codes.
Sharp decrease in OSHA workplace violations
Annual report finds fall protection citations drop 14% from 2016
Is your company’s electrical safety program NFPA 70E-compliant?
NFPA 70E-2015 requires employers to implement and document an overall electrical safety program. An NFPA 70E-compliant electrical safety program can be broken down into eight easily understood pieces. Knowledge gained from appropriate training is the key factor that will make or break a company’s electrical safety program.
Flame arrester
FlameSaf flame arrester/relief vent platform protects against the dangers of explosion, flame propagation and overpressure.