Pneumatic line abrasion resisted with deflection elbows
Waupaca Foundry deployed deflection elbows to reduce pneumatic line abrasion at two of their facilities.
Case study: Redesign the process, then the control system
Pharmaceutical control system integration: Fixing a blind spot in the process design helped user requirements for a heat exchanger control system. A control system may not be able to fix a faulty process.
Circuit breaker promotes automotive-plant energy efficiency
Communications and power metering capabilities built in
Case study: Commissioning a solar power plant
Commissioning an integrated security system for solar power plant in Saudi Arabia was successful despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
A road map to reliability
How Premier Silica's Brady operation used evaluation to improve plant performance.
Special Report: Signal conditioners ensure signal integrity
Employed wherever temperature, pressure, flow, speed or other process values are measured and controlled, signal conditioners help protect these measurements from being corrupted as they transmit the measurement data from the field where the sensors collect data to the plant control room.
Is Your Boiler the Best It Can Be?
Few energy devices are as universally used in industrial plants as are boilers. Because they are seen as a mature technology, boilers often don’t receive the regular attention given other industrial equipment. Yet because it is the largest single energy consuming device in the plant, the industrial boiler should be at the center of interest in most energy efficiency improvement plans.
Signal conditioners ensure signal integrity
Like a fuel injector in a high-performance engine, signal conditioners perform a critical, yet often under-recognized function. Signal conditioners isolate, transmit and convert a wide range of process signals into a format that is compatible with the receiving device such as a programmable logic controller.
In the Navy, metering an important issue
Siemens Industry Inc. will provide power metering equipment and services for the U.S. Navy’s Southwest Advanced Metering Infrastructure project by teaming with American Systems. The contract to furnish and install advanced electrical metering infrastructure at various locations throughout the Navy’s Southwest Region is funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (AR...
Exploding the misconceptions and myths about arc flash issues
As a member of the NFPA 70E Committee and an instructor, I hear it all. There seems to be some common misconceptions among people that are like urban legends; they just don’t go away. One of my favorites is that “You don’t have to worry about arc flash below 240 volts.” While it may be true that an arc is more difficult to sustain at lower voltages, there have been some ...