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CAD software

Encompix Version 9.4 features CAD integration, which allows the software to exchange bills of material and item master information with AutoCAD from the start of the sales cycle through field upgrades. Projects can start in CAD and move to the software application, or they can start as estimates and engineering projects in the software application and move to a CAD system.

By Plant Engineering Staff July 15, 2008

Encompix Version 9.4 features CAD integration, which allows the software to exchange bills of material and item master information with AutoCAD from the start of the sales cycle through field upgrades. Projects can start in CAD and move to the software application, or they can start as estimates and engineering projects in the software application and move to a CAD system. The software provides visibility and consistency of actual versus planned cost calculations on a variety of reports and query screens across an entire project, from engineering through installation. Project and shop floor reports are available, with the ability to drill down to details or modify the standard reports to meet specific needs

Encompix Inc.