Archived Webcasts December 2007 to September 2002

By Plant Engineering Staff August 28, 2008

Contact Bob Vavra

Class Zero Aired December 11, 2007, archive available for one year. CD’s of the event are also available to purchase.

How to Use General Purpose Motors with Drives Aired November 8, 2007, archive available for one Integrating EAM Aired October 25, 2007, archive available for one

Motor Efficiency Aired

Arc Flash Aired August 2, 2007, archive available for one

Using Wireless as a Maintenance Advantage Aired September 27, 2007, archive available for one

T he ROI of Maintenance Aired July 19, 2007,

Power Quality: Understanding Harmonics Aired

Selective Coordination Issues Aired

Safety — Right to the Bottom Line Aired

Advancements in Wireless Ethernet Aired

Control Panel Compliance Webcast Aired

What have you done about Arc Flash? Aired

Improving Electrical Efficiency through Power Factor Correction Aired

Preventing Power Quality Problems from Harming your Plant Aired November 15, 2005, only available on CD.

Practical Perspectives on Motor Management Aired April 2005, only available on CD.

Exploring the benefits of TEDS (Smart Sensor Technology) Aired July 2005, only available on CD.

Arc Flash II Webcast Aired September 30, 2004, only available on CD.

Arc Flash Webcast Aired April, 8 2004, only available on CD.

Environmental Improvements for Profit Aired

Contact Bob Vavra