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AppliedAutomation debuts in August

Bringing automation products to the plant floor is just the delivery of equipment. Making automation an effective tool in measuring and managing manufacturing effectiveness is all about applying the right strategies. That’s why PLANT ENGINEERING magazine has created AppliedAutomation, which makes its debut in the August issue.

By Staff July 1, 2006

Bringing automation products to the plant floor is just the delivery of equipment. Making automation an effective tool in measuring and managing manufacturing effectiveness is all about applying the right strategies.

That’s why PLANT ENGINEERING magazine has created AppliedAutomation, which makes its debut in the August issue. This quarterly supplement will provide strategies in using automation effectively and brings cutting-edge ideas to plant managers and plant engineers.

“Automation technology is changing all the time, but so is how automation is used,” said PLANT ENGINEERING publisher Jim Langhenry. “Our readers told us they needed more knowledge about how automation is being used in manufacturing, and AppliedAutomation is the response to that request.”

In the first issue, the topics covered will include:

Collecting meaningful data: The business decision to implement data collection technologies and historians must be augmented with contextual and meaningful data utilization. The cover story investigates this topic and reports on how companies are championing meaningful data collection and utilization.

Evolution of annunciation: Lenny Filipkowski, product engineer for power distribution and industrial controls at AutomationDirect, introduces the most common types of annunciation requirements specified for monitoring plant control systems. He discusses many early applications of annunciation products and technologies, identifying their challenges and some of the successes that make them still viable today.

ISA Insight: This quarterly contribution from ISA discusses issues affecting automation, instrumentation and control technologies and industries. In August, ISA officials will comment on the creation of ISA standards.

PLANT ENGINEERING senior editor Jack Smith will be managing editor of AppliedAutomation. “We think AppliedAutomation meets a critical need for our readers,” said PLANT ENGINEERING editor Bob Vavra. “We’re confident this supplement will augment our existing coverage of automation and bring readers knowledge they can apply on their plant floor right away.”