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A different kind of pump

I am writing in reference to your article "Increasing centrifugal pump reliability" (PE, June 1998, p 58, File 4010/5540). Discflo Corp., which manufactures only disc pumps, appeared in the list of centrifugal pump manufacturers.

By Staff September 1, 1998

I am writing in reference to your article “Increasing centrifugal pump reliability” (PE, June 1998, p 58, File 4010/5540). Discflo Corp., which manufactures only disc pumps, appeared in the list of centrifugal pump manufacturers. The disc pump, however, is not a centrifugal pump.

The disc pump, in fact, does not fit into any of the standard pump categories, but works on an entirely different principle from both centrifugal and positive displacement types, although it handles the same heads and flow rates (up to 1000-ft TDH and up to 10,000 gpm) as these other industrial process pumps.

For information on disc pumps, contact Sarah Benson, Discflo Corp., 619-596-3181. — Sarah Benson, Communications Manager, Discflo Corp., El Cajon, CA