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A best practice? Follow best practices

Engineers should use existing best practices when coming up with their own systems.

By Bob Vavra, CFE Media February 5, 2018

It sounds like a simple concept, but a recent article by Bryan Little of Avanceon that also appears in Applied Automation this month suggests that programmers need to use existing best practices when putting their systems in place.

“What new programmers are likely to find after a few years on the job is that these standard practices deliver tangible results. As they adhere to the best practices that both their own organization and their customers’ companies require, they’ll begin to discover why standardized ways of doing things have value,” Little wrote. “Best practice programming approaches help save time developing and implementing new software. They also make code reuse easier.”

It’s also part of the secret sauce of the 2018 System Integrator Giants as well, and the results prove the point: the top 10 system integration companies grew through organic growth and acquisition by 58% in 2017.