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3D CAD CD ROM library with automation components

This 3D CAD Model library eliminate the time and labor that would otherwise be required to generate engineering drawings in-house.

December 18, 2009
The Misumi 3D CAD Model library is now available in CD-ROMformat upon request, free of charge, to machine builders, automation systemdesigners and product design engineers. The library contains native CADdrawings of mechanical components offered in the company’s 2009 catalog. The drawingsin the two-CD set eliminate the time and labor that would otherwise be requiredto generate engineering drawings in-house.

The company’s online 3D CAD Configurator allows engineers to

download configurable and custom-designed components for their projects. Parts

can be configured to precise tolerances and specifications including critical

dimensions and material/surface treatments. Then the native CAD files of the

components can be download into the assembly model. Once finalized, they can

enter the order using the company’s Web Ordering system (with no minimum order

required), and input a part number, which will then become a purchased item and

stored by that part number for future orders.
Those interested in ordering the Misumi 3D CAD CDs can entera request at the Misumi USA website .